My lastest idea is to collect my very own fully airborne ork army. The basic idea is to field a bunch of zeppelin or helicopter battlewagons full of boyz backed up by a couple of squadrons on deffkoptas. I like the idea of these guys taking to the air in heavy 'scrapheap challenge' style airships that earth physics wouldn't allow to float on water, let alone fly, but they can succeed through ork mek insanity, orky will power and of course the helping hand of gork and mork. Imagine orks decending upon you from the sky, bomb squigs bouncing off the ground below and exploding above the heads of thier enemy. Picture orks abseiling out of zepplins, unleasing endless rounds of slugga fire followed by a feirce heading charge into the melee.
I think its a great idea, so i've written a draft army list, scetched (really badly) some design ideas and took a walk to games workshop to buy a big mek (with kustom force field, imagine battlewagons with a 4+ save, mwah ha ha) and then to wonderland models to pick up some foamboard to begin work on the zeppelins. I didn't quite get started on the scratch building today, because i've been creating this blog, but i do have my big mek assembled. Here's the army list i'm running with for now.
HQ Big Mek with Kustom Force Field and 'Eavy armour 90pts
HQ Warboss with big choppa, TL shoota, boss pole and 'eavy armour 90pts
Troops 19 boyz, 2 rokkit launchas, inc nob with power klaw and boss pole 159pts
Troops 19 boyz, 2 rokkit launchas, inc nob with power klaw and boss pole 159pts
Troops 20 boyz, 2 rokkit launchas, inc nob with power klaw and boss pole 165pts
Fast Attack 5 deffkoptas with twin-linked big shootas 175pts
Fast Attack 4 deffkoptas with twin-linked rokkit launchas 180pts
Heavy Battlewagon, Zzap gun, 4 rokkit launchas, grot riggas and armour plates 160pts
Heavy Battlewagon, Zzap gun, 4 rokkit launchas, grot riggas and armour plates 160pts
Heavy Battlewagon, Zzap gun, 4 rokkit launchas, grot riggas and armour plates 160pts
TOTAL 1498pts
Da plan
Put all the boyz in the wagons, the mek in the middle one so all three can get the use of the kustom forc field. Scout the deffkoptas up the sides, use the RL deffkoptas to try to take out tanks that will threaten the wagons, use the BS deffkoptas to try and kill infantry that will threaten the wagons (i.e. devastator squads). Move the battlewagons 12" straight forward 1st turn then disembark on turn 2 or 3, waaagh! and charge. If i come up against a fully mechanised enemy then i might need to use more of the battlewagon guns to open a couple of transports before the boyz have something juicy to charge.
Well thats the plan!