After painting the wood elf lord the other day i have been in the mood for painting. I decided it's about time i started beasting through my orks, i've set myslf a target of painting 1500pts then i'll reward myself with an ork stompa kit to play with. I've started the ball roling by painting the leader of my Waaagh!, Buzzgob and of course his grot assistants, Nitnuckle and Lunk. I'll probably go back and do some more highlighting some other day but i'm happy with the result for now.
Friday, 24 September 2010
After painting the wood elf lord the other day i have been in the mood for painting. I decided it's about time i started beasting through my orks, i've set myslf a target of painting 1500pts then i'll reward myself with an ork stompa kit to play with. I've started the ball roling by painting the leader of my Waaagh!, Buzzgob and of course his grot assistants, Nitnuckle and Lunk. I'll probably go back and do some more highlighting some other day but i'm happy with the result for now.
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Wood Elf Lord
Sunday, 18 July 2010
The Traja Campaign
The planet of Traja lies in the Reductus Sector under Imperial control. It is home to a relatively small specialist Imperial Guard regiment, the Drake Airborne. Recent unexplained warp anomalies in the sector picked up by the adeptus astronomica have sparked curiosity from the Imperial Inquisition. An investigatory mission drew blank when contact was lost and they failed to return. With ever increasing warp activity in the area the decision was made to call upon the resources and expertise of the Crimson Fists Space Marines.
A scouting force was deployed purely to observe and report any significant findings back to the high command. Reports of the society came back all but clear, their military forces seemed healthy but there seemed to be no cause for concern. However the space marine’s personal reports all suggested that there was an unwelcoming presence on Traja. Many of the brothers reported instances of incomprehensible ‘voices in the wind’ that could not be of human origin.
The Adeptus Arbites knew all too well that this had a faint aroma of chaos about it. They had seen huge uprisings in history seeded from less. The decision was taken to take a rather heavy handed approach and request a Space Marine strike force to be sent to take and secure control of the planet.
The mission, coordinated by Commander Vortae, was to take control of the capital city, Salus Atten, which should essentially ensure control of the planet ready to hand over to Inquisatorial control. The initial landing was scheduled to insert a spearhead force into the area around the city of
The landing was successful, met only by insignificant quantities of local ‘gang’ militia. Portalus quickly secured and scout patrols deployed on an observation role to obtain more accurate estimates of resistance to come on entry to Salus Atten. The communications from the scouting party to base were distorted and the findings unexpected. The city had a significant military presence which had obviously now initialled preparations to defend the city from the recent threat. The quantities however of mobile artillery and sheer man power could be large enough to potentially launch a counter attack. Commander Vortae and his Space Marines would have to act quickly before the enemy could consolidate its full force, as a delay could carry the risk of being forced to defend against a counter attack, and therefore could compromise the mission.
Conditions were not ideal; Vortae had just received information that one of his supply drops had experienced difficulties and had failed, as yet, to be recovered. The supply canisters had been dropped annoyingly close to Salus Attem. Scouts were immediately sent out to locate the drop position, but being so close to enemy soil they anticipated a degree of resistance. They could not afford for these supplies to fall into the hands of the enemy. Master Cyrus was assigned command of a recovery task force to ensure safe retrieval of the supplies.
Master Cyrus headed up the recovery team alongside Sergeant Curtis and his tactical squad. They were closely followed by Sergeant Ransol’s Tactical Marines and a dreadnought, Brother Barsov, veteran of many a war, clad in a highly armoured sarcophagus and armed to the teeth with assault cannon, heavy flamer to barbeque the traitor and blessed with a dreadnought close combat weapon to crush the heathen. The force was supported by two lascannon armed Razorbacks for mobility and fire support. As they closed in fast on the confirmed supply drop site Cyrus received a report from the scouting party that more drop containers had been located and that they would secure the site 2 coordinates while the recovery force dealt with site 1. The scouts also reported unconfirmed sightings of local militia heading towards the recovery force, most likely local gang members.
On arrival at the drop site 1 coordinates the Space Marines split down into 4, five man teams and began to secure the area. Sergeant Curtis’ squad began to secure the first canister.
“Incoming!” the razorback tank commander yelled through his communicator. A cascade of heavy weapons fire began ricocheting off the abandoned communications shack which stood about 5 metres away. The squad turned its attention to returning fire. From the sergeants position he could see at least fifty guardsmen in the distance in urban camouflage supported by what he recognised as an Executioner class Leman Russ Battle Tank. These were not gang members. These were organised traitor guardsmen facing themselves off against the Emperors finest warriors. Brother Sercosa raised his missile launcher to his shoulder and took aim at the leman russ and launched a krak missile, hitting the tank but failing to even slow the behemoth trundling into firing range.
The Leman Russ began to unleash its autocannon shots in a successful attempt to slow the razorbacks advance. As Sergeant Ransols razorback came into view the Space Marines continued to advance to secure the objectives. Master Cyrus refused to allow these traitors of the Imperium to get their hands on the canisters.
Brother Barsovs sensors scanned the area trying to locate the currently unclaimed canister. It appeared that the enemy militia were positioned directly on top of its location. Did they even know it was there? The two razorback lascannons provided consistent covering fire to subdue the enemy battle tank while, assault cannon blazing, armour clad Brother Barsov took it upon himself to repossess what was rightfully his. The marines looked on in sheer admiration as this veteran tore limb from torso as if they were made of nothing more than bread, burning the heretics in the promethium inferno they deserved while not even acknowledging the numerous projectiles ricocheting off his sarcophagus.
On the left flank Master Cyrus and Sergeant Curtis were being ambushed by the Guard’s elite. A unit of battle scarred veterans immerged to be met by the well rehearsed return of bolter fire, burning promethium and even Master Cyrus’ adapted plasma cutter. As the failed ambush broke, Master Cyrus turned to the sergeant. “I’ll take care of this”. Sergeant Curtis could only smile as he turned his attention back to preparing the supply container for transportation. The Master of the Forge, power axe in hand, began to pursue the falling back unit solo, flaming and cutting them down as they attempted to retreat.
The traitor guard still however seemed to think they still had some fight left in them. They refused to stand down despite their sorry position and launched a counter attack down the right flank towards Sergeant Ransols combat squad. Ransol readied his fist for the inevitable onslaught. All the recovery forces fire power was immediately redirected to address this right flank assault. The traitors took yet more horrendous casualties so the guardsmen thought better of the situation, finally accepted defeat and began a hasty retreat.
The mission had been a great success. Master Cyrus and his recovery force had succeeded in recovering all of the missing supply containers without conceding a single injury, but what would you expect from the Emperors finest?
This was a good day for heroes.
Friday, 18 June 2010
This is my squigachu conversion which i'm going to use as my warbosses attack squig.
The cheek patches were painted on using blood red, the ear tips chaos black, the stripes and tail base with graveyard earth and the teeth and claws with bleached bone. Done!
This model is also currently on display at GW Edinburgh.
Ork Warkopta 'Chinork' Scratch Build
I made the rear feet from 2mm plastic and some tubing. I added the main features next; a rudder, battle worn rotors and some tubing round the engine. The used magnets to attach the rotors so they can come off to make transporting the model much easier.
This ariel view shows the various plates i added to give the warkopta that orky feeling and added dags on the rotors. The black parts are 1mm plasticard.
The final stage of modelling thee warkopta was to sit for 2 hours and stick on rivets. To make the rivets i cut up a plastic rod (i also used some i had left over from another project which were cut from plasticard using i belt hole cutter). Rivets take quite a bit of time and patience to add but they add so much to the finished model it's deffinitly well worth it.
I firstly undercoated it with chaos black spray primer. Then overbrushed the whole model with tin bitz. I picked out the main panels with iyanden dark sun (which is basically dark sandy yellow). I then drybrushed the whole thing with boltgun metal and a generous helping of devlan mud. The picture below show the area i tested this colour scheme on, i was happy with the result so carried on with the rest of the chinork. The picture below was takn before the wash was actually dry, the camra flash makes the yellow look alot brighter than it actually is.
I also decided to add passengers to give the piece more character and make it look 'busier' with orks almost literally hanging off the side. I managed to fit 5 ork passengers on it. I also added as many details as i could fit on the vehicle body including black flames on some of the panels and yellow and black checks on parts of the vehicle and on some of the orks body armour.
I hope you enjoy these photos:
The Waaagh! is growing
My army list in progress in now quite different from my original idea, basically it'll take too long to scratch build 3 battlewagons. Here's what i've got so far.
HQ Warboss, big choppa, attack squig (Squigachu), TL Shoota, 'Eavy armour, Bosspole
HQ Big Mek, 'Eavy Armour, Kustom Force Field, Bosspole
Elite 8 burna boyz + 1 mek with Kustom Megablasta, Trukk (warkopta), GR, SC, AP, BS
Troops 30 sluggaboyz, 3 rokkits, Nob with Power klaw, bosspole
Troops 20 shoota boyz, 2 big shootas, Nob with Power klaw, bosspole
Troops 20 'Ard boyz, sluggas and choppas, 2 rokkits, Nob with Power klaw, bosspole
Troops 10 grots and runtherd
Heavy Battlewagon (Zeppelin) 4 rokkit launchas, zzap gun,stikkbombz, armour plates
That all comes to 1275pts. Mostly unpainted but pretty much all assembled.
As you can probably see in the picture there are a few scratch builds in progress, i'll go into more detail of them in future posts.
Last week i purchased Imprial Armour volume 8, it's the first imperial armour book i've looked through and i am very impressed with the quality of the book and it's contents. It contains a Dread Mob army list, my mind is now full of mega dreads, grot tanks and the special character buzzgob. Also it contains rules for the warkopta i built so i don't just have to use it as a trukk all the time. Mek Boss Buzzgob has now gone to the top of my wish list so forgeworld may see an order from me shortly.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
My Orks so far...
Here's the rest of my ork models, 10 grots, runtherd, squig, 3 nobz, my converted warboss and my new big mek with the kustom force field. With the new models i now have around 800pts, the army is growing slowly but surely, i'll maybe get it on the battlfield sometime in the not so distant future.
This is a closer picture of my ork warboss. I made this conversion years ago when you could still order any individual bits from the citadel journal through mail order. His body and left arm are from the old metal 40k warboss, the right arm and head are from one of the old fantasy warbosses as is the banner top. I made his twin linked shoota (on his back) from plastic ork bits.
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Dark Eldar Wych Cult Army
So, its been a while since my dark eldar have seen a gaming table. The raiders and ravagers have gathered a fairly substantial amount of dust. With all the rumours i've been hearing recently about the dark eldar being rereleased before xmas my enthusiasm for the sadistic pointy ears has been relit. I've decided to take a wych army to play at geekathon tomorrow night. I've never used a wych cult list before so i've decided to keep it fluffy, it's all wyches. Well I obviously won't be going to war without my three ravagers to back them up. There are quite a few models in the army that are looking a bit ropey but they will do the job. Here's the list i'm going to be running.
HQ Lelith Hesperax 90pts
Elite Beastmaster + 4 beasts 63pts
Elite Beastmaster + 5 beasts 75pts
4 Troops 7 wyches, wych weapons, plasma grenades,succubus with agoniser
Transports 4 raiders with nightshields
One wych succubus has the goblet of spite 789pts
Fast Attack 6 Hellions, succubus, agoniser, plasma grenades, haywire grenades 150pts
Heavy Ravager with 3 disintegrators 120pts
2 Heavys 2 ravagers with 3 dark lances 210pts
TOTAL 1497pts
Thats 15 kill points, 53 models, 28 points per model
I think the plan is pretty self explanitary. Open any armour with the dark lances and assault everything else.
Friday, 16 April 2010
Sister of Slaanesh conversion
Slaanesh Deamon Princess conversion
Scratch Built Space Marine Dreadnought Drop pod WIP
Asdrubael Vect Conversion
I haven't had a chance to use him yet unfortunatly. He can only be taken if the army is at least 2000pts and we mostly just play 1500pts at the geekathon. Although, everyones armies are growing so he'll maybe see the battlefield yet.